New McCauley 10 / 12 Tonne Tractor Dump / Tipping Trailer galvanised Dropside
£8650 + VAT on 6 stud wheels (OR)
£9200 + VAT with 8 stud super single wheel/tyres
- Max gross weight 12 tonne, bed size 14 ft 6in / 7ft 6in, or 2.3 x4.3 metres
- Removable galvanised drop sides to leave a flat bed trailer
- Also rear bale extensions are available they are 4ft or 1.2 meters & £850 + VAT
- Located Preston, Lancashire
- Viewing Welcome
- Finance & Delivery can be arranged
- This trailer & others are in stock and available today
- McCauley are one of the longest establish trailer manufacturers around
- PX Considered
New McCauley Tipping Trailer 10 Tonne Dropside - In Stock + VAT